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Five consequences of not testing your Disaster Recovery plan

In this blog, we'll explore the five consequences of not testing your Disaster Recovery strategy and how to overcome some of the challenges.


Disatser Recovery Plan
DR Testing
Best Practices
By Erin Thomson |
April 4, 2023 |
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A Disaster Recovery (DR) plan is an essential component of any company's IT strategy because it ensures that critical systems and data can be restored in the event of a disaster. Having a disaster recovery plan, however, is not enough on its own.  It is also critical to test your DR plan on a regular basis to ensure that it works as expected. Unfortunately, many organizations fail to test their DR plan, putting their business at risk. Later on in this blog, we'll look at the five consequences of not testing your disaster recovery strategy.

What exactly is Disaster Recovery testing?

DR testing is the process of determining the effectiveness of an organization's disaster recovery plan. The main goal is to ensure that critical systems and data can be recovered in the event of a disaster, such as a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or human error. DR testing involves simulating a disaster scenario and testing the organization's ability to recover critical systems and data.

This process assists organizations in identifying any weaknesses or gaps in their plan and enables them to improve their plan to ensure a faster and more efficient recovery. It is critical for businesses to ensure business continuity, reduce downtime, and protect against data loss. Unfortunately, many organizations have failed to test their DR plan regularly, putting their business at risk.

According to a study conducted by iLand and Zerto, only 54% of organisations had a recovery plan in place. Worryingly, less than half of those organizations (only 46%) tested their plans on an annual basis. Businesses that fail to conduct DR testing on a regular basis risk data loss, downtime, and financial loss in the event of a disaster. Let's dig a little deeper into the consequences of not testing your DR plan. 

Five main consequences of not testing your DR plan


  1. Incomplete or Outdated Plans: DR plans can become outdated quickly, especially in today's rapidly changing technology landscape. If you don't test regularly, you may find that it's incomplete, missing critical components, or based on outdated assumptions. This can lead to significant gaps in your DR plan, making it less effective when a disaster strikes.

  2. Inability to Recover Data and Systems: The purpose of DR is to ensure that critical systems and data can be restored in the event of a disaster. However, if you don't test your plan, you risk being unable to recover critical data and systems. Without proper testing, you may find that your recovery procedures are incomplete, or your recovery time objectives are unrealistic.

  3. Increased Downtime: If your DR plan doesn't work as expected, it can lead to extended periods of downtime, which can be costly for your business. Without proper testing, you may find that it takes longer than expected to recover systems and data, leading to missed deadlines, lost sales, and frustrated customers.

  4. Compliance Violations: Many industries have regulations and laws around data security and privacy, such as HIPAA and GDPR. If you don't test regularly, you risk being in violation of these regulations. Failure to comply with these regulations can lead to costly fines and legal issues, damaging your business's reputation and bottom line.

  5. Lack of Confidence: Without regular testing, you may lack confidence in your DR plan's ability to protect your business in the event of a disaster. This can lead to increased anxiety and stress for IT staff, who may feel unprepared to handle a disaster when it strikes. Additionally, lack of confidence in your DR plan can lead to decreased trust from customers and partners who rely on your business's critical systems and data.

From incomplete or outdated plans to increased downtime and compliance violations, neglecting to test your disaster recovery plan can put your business at risk. By testing your disaster recovery plan regularly, you can ensure that it works as expected, recover critical data and systems quickly, and maintain compliance with all relevant regulations and laws. With so many consequences of not testing your DR, why do so many companies take the risk? Unfortunately, DR testing can be a complex, expensive, and time-consuming process, which can be daunting for many IT teams. This is where software like Dbvisit Standby can really help. 

Disaster Recovery testing just got easier 


Dbvisit Standby MultiPlatform (StandbyMP) is a software solution that enables businesses to achieve enterprise-class DR for their Oracle Standard Edition (SE) and SQL Server databases, without the complexity and cost associated with traditional DR solutions.

One of the key benefits of StandbyMP is its ability to simplify DR testing. With StandbyMP, you can easily and automatically test your DR plan to ensure that it works as expected. The software enables you to test your plan in a controlled environment, without affecting your production systems. This includes performing tasks like Graceful Switchovers, which enable you to perform planned maintenance on your Primary server by switching the DR Standby server to take over as the Primary server.

Another benefit of StandbyMP is you can quickly and easily configure your plan and testing procedures using a simple, intuitive interface. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required to set up and manage your plan, freeing up IT resources to focus on other critical tasks. Because of the ease of use of a tool like Dbisit Standby, anyone in an IT team, not just the DBA, can perform DR testing.

Dbvisit also offers a range of reporting tools that enable you to track and analyze the results of your testing. With these tools, you can generate detailed reports on the success of your testing procedures, identify any issues, and track your progress over time. This can help you ensure that your DR plan is always up-to-date and effective.

In conclusion, DR testing is critical to ensuring that your business can recover from a disaster quickly and effectively. Dbvisit StandbyMP makes it simple by providing easy-to-use testing tools, a simple interface, and powerful reporting capabilities. With Dbvisit, businesses can feel confident that they can face any disaster that may come their way.

If you're interested in learning more about implementing and testing a standby database for Disaster Recovery, take a Test Drive, or talk with a Technical Specialist about your environment and goals. 

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Erin Thomson
Erin Thomson

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