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StandbyMP for the Cloud 

Every cloud needs Disaster Recovery

No cloud is immune to downtime, and most people are less protected than they think. As part of your cloud migration, it is essential to deploy Disaster Recovery that meets your RTO/RPO needs.

StandbyMP software for the cloud guarantees database continuity with a continually verified standby database that is always available and ready to take over at a moment's notice.

StandbyMP for the Cloud 

Easily implement best practice DR in the cloud with StandbyMP

Cloud services are numerous, varied, and often shrouded in the type of ‘marketing speak’ that makes getting to the ‘technical truth’ challenging. When planning your migration, careful consideration, you must carefully evaluate your RPO/RTO requirements and then ensure that your cloud architecture can match these requirements across all disaster types.

Standby MultiPlatform allows you to quickly, easily and cost-effectively implement resilient Disaster Recovery in the cloud for your Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases.



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Dispelling the Common Cloud Myths

Not all clouds are equal and not every cloud has a silver lining. There are some commonly believed myths that you need to understand and dispel. 
Cloud Ready

I'm in the cloud so I don't need Disaster Recovery

Cloud infrastructure providers typically don't include resilient Disaster Recovery. Instead, they recommend you implement out-of-region DR for business-critical databases.

Continuous Protection

Clouds are more reliable than on-premise

Moving to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) doesn’t magically fix availability problems. The cloud is also vulnerable to downtime, accessibility issues, and performance problems.

Continual Integrity

My data is protected because I have backups

While backups are a necessary part of any Disaster Recovery plan, traditional backups no longer meet the data loss (RPO) and recovery speed (RTO) requirements of most businesses. Backups are also difficult to test and vulnerable to corruption.

Intuitive Workflows

Clouds are more reliable than on-premise

Moving to a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) doesn’t magically fix availability problems. The cloud is also vulnerable to downtime, accessibility issues, and performance issues.

The cloud is not immune from disasters.

With so much of your organization’s business value tied up in its data, it is critical that this data be backed up and protected. Backups, while important, cannot provide the RTOs and RPOs required by modern enterprises. While multiple availability zones improve reliance in cloud environments, they do not provide the necessary protection for environments with short RTO/RPO. As a result, multi-regional standby databases are critical to meeting organizational needs, and third-party software solutions are the best way to supplement existing cloud stacks.

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What approach is recommended by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs)?

When looking at database availability in the cloud, CSPs such as Amazon and Oracle recommend out-of-region replication as the basis of best-practice Disaster Recovery. Organizations then match the type of replication to their RTO and RPO requirements. 

As evidenced by Amazon's six-hour regional failure in 2021, in-region high availability is not enough by itself. A resilient warm standby database is the cornerstone of best practice Disaster Recovery. 

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Easily implement best practice DR with Standby MultiPlatform

Standby MultiPlatform allows you to quickly, easily and cost-effectively implement resilient Disaster Recovery in the cloud for your Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. 

Cloud DR for Oracle SE

Like Oracle Data Guard, StandbyMP uses physical replication technology to create a standby database that is continuously updated, verified and available for failover at any time.

  • Eliminate risk with a resilient and remote standby database that can meet RTO and RPO requirements across all disasters.
  • Simplify DR with auto-failover, one-click resynchronization, and DR testing.
  • Facilitate patching and testing with zero data loss planned switchovers.
  • Full Oracle technology support.

Oracle Hero@2x-min Oracle Hero 2@2x-min

Cloud DR for SQL Server

Go beyond Availability Groups and Log Shipping with StandbyMP - the Gold Standard for Disaster Recovery.

  • Remove complexity and risk by managing your Disaster Recovery from one central console. 
  • Speed up with multi-database actions, guided workflows, and one-click actions.
  • Simplify with intelligent standby creation, automated failover, and user replication.
  • Facilitate patching and testing with zero-data-loss planned switchovers, read-only access and more.
  • Eliminate risk with standardised workflows and maintenance actions.
  • Automatically set up your standby across versions 10+ and OS.

SQL Server Hero SQL Server Hero 2

Cloud DR for PostgreSQL

Disaster Recovery on PostgreSQL can be complex, time-consuming, and subject to human error. StandbyMP software simplifies, automates and de-risks standby creation and management to ensure you are always protected.

  • Achieve enhanced functionality with one-click, multi-cluster actions for standby management.
  • Simplify DR with a user-friendly Ul with fast workflows.
  • Eliminate risk with standardised workflows and maintenance actions.
  • Automatically set up your standby across versions 10+ and OS.

Postgres Hero@2x-min Postgres Hero 2@2x-min
White Paper

Key considerations when migrating to the cloud

Learn what Cloud Service Providers (and Dbvisit) recommend to ensure database continuity.

StandbyMP's benefits for the cloud

Always Operational

Fast implementation

Implement StandbyMP in just a few hours, not days or weeks.

Continuous Protection

Guaranteed integrity 

Guarantee protection with a continuously updated standby database.

Continual Integrity

Multi-threat resilience 

Easily perform 'Graceful Switchovers' to facilitate patching or testing.

Intuitive Workflows

Minimal data loss 

Protect your data with real-time replication and seamless failover capabilities. 

Continual Integrity

Rapid recovery 

Get up and running fast through automatic failover and one-click resynchronization. 

Streamlined DR Testing


Implement out-of-region standby databases to guarantee availability

Trusted by DBAs in 120+ countries

Key product information

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Technical training

StandbyMP Technical Training for PostgreSQL

Let’s get started!

Protect your business in the cloud