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Add resilience to Oracle HA with StandbyMP

Strengthen your Oracle HA environment against major disasters with enterprise-class Disaster Recovery for Oracle SE that prioritizes disaster resiliency, recovery speed, and ease of use. Like Oracle Data Guard, our StandbyMP software enables the efficient creation and management of a standby database.

Available on-premise, in the cloud, or as a hybrid.


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Why Oracle HA needs Disaster Recovery

High Availability (HA) alone is not enough. HA is limited by its Single Point of Failure, requiring robust Disaster Recovery (DR) to mitigate risks of storage failures, data center outages, and human errors:

  • High Availability (HA) on Oracle SE has a Single Point of Failure (SPOF) around its shared storage.
  • HA does not protect against storage failures, data center failures, or human errors on data. Robust Disaster Recovery (DR) is needed.
  • With only HA, major failure can result in considerable downtime and lost data. A new production site may be needed and incomplete backups would need to be restored and tested.  
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Standby Databases Deliver Additional Resilience and Protection

A best-practice DR solution should include a geographically distant warm standby database.  This standby is continually updated and ready for failover at anytime so you can achieve an excellent RTO (fast recovery time) and RPO (minimal data loss) across ALL disaster types.

  • Guaranteed integrity
  • Multi-threat resilience
  • Minimal data loss
  • Super-fast recovery 
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Disaster Recovery for Oracle High Availability with StandbyMP 

StandbyMP enables the creation of a best-practice warm standby for Oracle SE and Oracle HA environments using physical replication similar to Oracle Data Guard.  

By combining HA with DR, in the form of standby database, the highest levels of availability and resilience can be achieved.

a) High Availability ensures availability after the failure of individual components with zero data loss and near zero downtime.

b) Disaster Recovery (warm standby) ensures availability in the event of a “disaster” or total production site failure with near-zero data loss and database failover in just a few minutes.

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Add resilience to Oracle HA with Standby MultiPlatform

Achieve the highest RPO/RTO performance across all disaster types by combining High Availability and Disaster Recovery. Oracle HA (RAC/SE2HA) ensures operation after individual component failures, and StandbyMP Disaster Recovery ensures availability in the event of larger disasters. 


Why Dbvisit Standby?

StandbyMP effortlessly creates a identical, warm standby database that is continually updated and verified. StandbyMP ensures fast and successful failover at any time, no matter what the disaster. 

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Guaranteed database integrity is THE priority of great Disaster Recovery. StandbyMP ensures your database will successfully failover at any time through continuous verification, integrated DR testing, and its warm (operational) state.

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StandbyMP's highly automated experience removes manual processes, stress, and opportunities for error. With effortless administration and guided workflows, like one-click resynchronization, StandbyMP eliminates risk and ensures your always protected. 

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StandbyMP brings simplicity to all your experiences, with one intuitive UI across all Oracle databases, effortless standby creation, simplified operation, and smart notifications from real-time monitoring.

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StandbyMP is the fastest route to business continuity. It ensures minimal data loss (RPO), ultra-fast recovery in just a few minutes (RTO), and low resource requirements.

What's in Standby Multiplatform

Powerful Features for Best Practice Disaster Recovery 

Automated Fallover

Automated Failover

The failover assistant enables one-click failover, triggered manually or automatically.

Always Operational

Great RPO & RTO

Recover from any event in just a few minutes, with a maximum 5 minutes data loss.

Oracle Tech Support

Oracle Technology Support

StandbyMP supports ASM, RAC, SE2HA, and OMF.

Cloud Ready

Cloud Ready

Easy to configure on premise, hybrid, or in the cloud.  Supporting Azure, AWS and Oracle Cloud. 

Streamlined DR Testing

Streamlined DR Testing

Effortlessly perform comprehensive DR testing without affecting your standby databases. 

Cost Effective Architecture

Cost Effective

Our low bandwidth architecture provides enterprise-class DR on Oracle SE keeping things affordable. 


Our support team has walked the same path as you. They have all worked extensively with databases so understand the challenges and pressures you face, especially when the unexpected happens.

With 99.7% customer satisfaction and a 95% retention rate, we are proud to deliver responsive, truly helpful support.  

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Customer renewals
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Customer Satisfaction
Key product information

Discover key product information on Dbvisit StandbyMP


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Technical training

StandbyMP Technical Training for PostgreSQL

Popular Topics

Frequently asked questions

Is Standby compatible with Oracle Clusterware?

StandbyMP is fully compatible with Oracle Clusterware and is proven in single-threaded, RAC, and SE2HA environments. 

Why is Disaster Recovery needed if I have RAC / SE2HA?

RAC and SE2HA have a single point of failure around the storage. If an event occurs around the storage - from human error, equipment failure, or natural disaster; then you need to failover to a remote standby database.

StandbyMP easily creates and manages a standby database that is continually validated and available for anytime failover.

RAC is no longer available on 19c, is StandbyMP an alternative?

For many customers yes, but it depends on what your motivations are:

(a) If you prioritize the integrity and resilience of your database so that no matter what disaster occurs you can be sure your business will continue to operate with minimal disruption then Disaster Recovery using StandbyMP is preferred. 
(b) If the database is less critical, you want to prioritize application availability with the lowest possible downtime for minor events, and can tolerate larger downtime and data loss for major disasters, then SE2HA may be preferred. 
(c) If the processing power of RAC is required then a move to Enterprise Edition is needed. Read more in our blog

Whats the difference between SE2HA and RAC?
Great question!  From 19c RAC is no longer available. But great news, SE2HA is! 

Read our Comparison of SE2HA and RAC on our Blog 

Ready to get started?

We are DR Specialists. Delivering DBAs a great customer experience. Our software is reliable, intuitive, and supported by real DBAs.