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Upgrading from Standby v7 to v9

We recommend running your DR software with Dbvisit using the latest version and release. With Standby™️ v7’s support discontinued, learn how to upgrade from v7 to v9 in this video blog.

Upgrading dbvisit standby
How to guides
By Shalini Anbu |
October 16, 2020 |
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Upgrading from Standby™️ v7 to v9

How often do we stumble upon a situation where we run software which is not supported by the vendor anymore? As a matter of fact, quite a lot! Standby™️ version 7.0’s support was discontinued as of December 31st, 2019 unless you have extended your support contract with us.

We have seen customers facing issues with version 7.0 and we always recommend them to run their DR software with Dbvisit using the latest version and release. Now that we are expecting the release of v10 soon it’s not too late to look at what we need to do when upgrading from v7 to v9.


There are a few important things to take note of before starting an upgrade:

  • You have to create a fresh DDC
  • You will not be required to recreate the standby database if your standby already exists and is in sync.
  • To upgrade to Dbvisit Version 9, your Oracle database must be running Oracle and above. See the Support Matrix
  • You’ll have to contact our License and Renewals team to request a new version 9 license key. An old v7 license will not work on v9.
Upgrading From Version 7 to Version 9
  1. Prepare your existing v7 environment – Standby™️ v7 to v9 - Part 1
  2. Install Standby™️ v9 - Part 2
  3. Login to Central Console, Add hosts, Create new DDC, Apply v9 License Key, Send and Apply Log and Run Log Gap Report – Part 3
Post-Upgrade Steps
  1. Scheduling - Start the Daemon process
  2. Enable Email Notifications
  3. Configure Dbvisit Archive Log Management Module (AMM)

We hope you found this blog and associated resources helpful, let us know if you have any questions.

Shalini Anbu

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