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Rapid database refresh using RMAN Duplicate and Dbvisit Snapshots - Part 2

In Part 1 we looked at how to refresh a development database on a different server using Standby™️'s Snapshot Option and the RMAN Duplicate command. Part 2 expands this using Ansible® to perform the refresh actions. 

rman duplicate database refresh
using a snapshot to refresh database
technical pieces
By Vijayganesh Sivaprakasam |
May 29, 2020 |
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Rapid database refresh using RMAN Duplicate and Dbvisit Snapshots

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how to refresh a development database on a different server using Standby™️’s Snapshot Option coupled with the RMAN Duplicate command.

Part 2 expands this by leveraging the popular configuration and orchestration tool Ansible® to perform the refresh actions. Our configuration diagram is simply altered to contain the Ansible Master host. Here all the SQL and RMAN scripts, as well as the Ansible playbooks, are stored.


For the purpose of this blog, our Ansible master has a very simple installation and is hosted in AWS. Therefore, for ease, the Ansible user has been configured to be the EC2-user native to the Amazon instances. On Amazon Linux 2, the install is very straightforward:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2
sudo vi /etc/ansible/hosts

The host configuration is located in the default /etc/ansible/hosts file and we have only 3 servers in our setup: The Primary, Standby and Development servers. With the server names and IP addresses located in the server /etc/hosts file, we can configure the Ansible host’s file to have:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ cat /etc/ansible/hosts
# This is the default ansible 'hosts' file.
# It should live in /etc/ansible/hosts

Naturally, each of these servers are accessible via SSH keys and this can be seen in this short test:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ ansible all --module-name command --args "hostname -f"
dev | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
stby | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
prim | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$

In order to suppress the python interpreter warnings I have the environment variable:

export ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER=auto_silent set in the ec2-user .bash_profile

The scripts used in this post are:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ tree

├── dbv-playbook.yml
├── rman
│ └── rman_dup.rmn
├── snap-ref-playbook.yml
└── sql
├── create_spfile.sql
├── drop_db.sql
└── start_db.sql

2 directories, 6 files
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$

And we will begin with testing the Dbvisit commands in a small playbook that runs a send/apply of logs then checks the log gap status. This tests the validity of performing different tasks on each host.

The “send logs” snippet from the dbv_playbook.yml is below:

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ cat dbv-playbook.yml
- hosts: db_primary
gather_facts: false
dbvisit_utl: /usr/dbvisit/standby
ddc: SRC
become: yes
become_user: oracle

- name: send logs
shell: /usr/dbvisit/standby/dbvctl -d
register: send_output

If we want to see the output of the command, we can use the -debug and .stdout_lines of the variable registered e.g. - debug: var=log_gap.stdout_lines

In the dbv_playbook.yml, the log-gap task is output in this way. We run the playbook by using the ansible-playbook command.

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ ansible-playbook dbv-playbook.yml
Prerequisites to Perform the Duplicate

Now that we have confirmed that basic Dbvisit commands are able to be successfully run in this environment, we can build up the snap-ref-playbook.yml with the tasks needed to perform the duplicate. In summary these tasks are:

  • To connect to host db_standby and create snapshot: SRCREF using the json config file created in the previous post.
 - name: create snapshot
shell: |
export PATH=$PATH:
dbvsnap -d -sname -j .json -csnap
register: cr_snap_output
- debug: var=cr_snap_output.stdout_lines
  • Check that the pmon process of the database SRCREF exists otherwise fail at this point.
  • Copy a file (create_spfile.sql) from the master that creates a spfile from the pfile and then restarts the database using this spfile.
  • To connect to host db_dev, copy drop_sql.sql, and start_db.sql files.
  • Run this sql file and drop the existing SRCDEV database
  • Check that the pmon for the SRCDEV database is no longer present and review errors at this point if it is.
  • Make a backup of the existing spfile and then create a new pfile of just the db_name parameter. Start the database in nomount mode.
- name: Start  DB in nomount mode
shell: |
export ORACLE_SID=
cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs ; mv spfile.ora spfile.ora.bdk
echo "db_name=" > init.ora
/bin/sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" @/home/oracle/scripts/start_db.sql
register: sqloutput_startdb
  • Copy the RMAN Duplicate command file used in part one, substituting variables ‘&1’ and ‘&2’ as placeholders for variables and respectively
connect target sys/kiwi123@'&1'
connect auxiliary sys/kiwi123@'&2'
duplicate database to '&2'
from active database
using backupset
parameter_value_convert ('&1','&2')
set db_file_name_convert='/usr/dbvisit/standby/snap/SRC/&1/data/SRC/','/u02/app/oracle/oradata/&2/'
set log_file_name_convert='/usr/dbvisit/standby/snap/SRC/&1/data/SRC/','/u02/app/oracle/oradata/&2/'
set control_files='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/&2/control01.ctl', '/u02/app/oracle/fra/&2/control02.ctl'
set db_recovery_file_dest='/u02/app/oracle/fra/'
set audit_file_dest='/u02/app/oracle/oradata/&2/adump'
set DB_NAME='&2'
  • Perform the RMAN Duplicate action.
- name: Perform duplicate
shell: |
export ORACLE_SID=
/bin/rman @/home/oracle/scripts/rman_dup.rmn USING ;
register: count_dup
failed_when: count_dup.stdout != 1
  • Upon successful completion of the RMAN Duplicate action, reconnect to host db_standby host and drop the snapshot.
- name: drop snapshot
shell: |
export PATH=$PATH:
dbvsnap -d -dsnap -sname
register: del_snap_output
- debug: var=del_snap_output.stdout_lines
  • This is a refresh of an existing environment and therefore the TNS entries are already in place on all servers and there is a static entry for SRCDEV in the listener on the db_dev host.
  • The production password file is also already in existence $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.
  • The actual RMAN duplication has very limited error handling in this post.  \This is purely because we wish to demo the concept. Obviously for this to be a more robust solution, tests for RMAN duplication integrity need to be factored into the playbook as additional tasks.

Let’s now run the playbook to refresh the database SRCDEV on host db_dev.

[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$ ansible-playbook snap-ref-playbook.yml
PLAY [db_standby] ***********************************************************
TASK [create snapshot] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [debug] ***********************************************************
ok: [stby] => {
"cr_snap_output.stdout_lines": [
"Standby™️ Database Technology (9.0.12_0_g1268187) (pid 9815)",
"Dbvisit Snapshot (pid 9815)",
"DBVSNAP started on ip-10-0-1-187: Fri May 8 20:52:47 2020",
"Snapshot SRCREF created ",
"DBVSNAP ended on ip-10-0-1-187: Fri May 8 20:52:55 2020",
TASK [check Snapshot is created] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [copy spfile file from remote to local.] *****************************************************
ok: [stby]
TASK [Switch to spfile from pfile] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
PLAY [db_dev] ***********************************************************
TASK [copy drop db file from remote to local.] ****************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [copy start db file from remote to local.] ***************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [Drop Exisiting DB] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [check Database is dropped] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [Start SRCDEV DB in nomount mode] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [copy rman file from remote to local.] *******************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [Perform duplicate] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
PLAY [db_standby] ***********************************************************
TASK [drop snapshot] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
TASK [debug]
ok: [stby] => {
"del_snap_output.stdout_lines": [
"Standby™️ Database Technology (9.0.12_0_g1268187) (pid 11129)",
"Dbvisit Snapshot (pid 11129)",
"DBVSNAP started on ip-10-0-1-187: Fri May 8 20:56:13 2020",
"Snapshot SRCREF deleted. ",
"DBVSNAP ended on ip-10-0-1-187: Fri May 8 20:56:19 2020",
TASK [check Snapshot is dropped] ***********************************************************
ok: [dev]
PLAY RECAP ****************************************************************************************
dev : ok=7 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
stby : ok=8 changed=5 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-185 ~]$

A quick check on the DEV database reveals that the refresh has indeed been successful.

This short blog series has served to prove not only how simple it is to refresh a database taken ‘on-demand’ using Reporting Replicas and Test/Dev Snapshots, but how the entire process can be orchestrated to be easily repeated time and time again.

Vijayganesh Sivaprakasam
Vijayganesh Sivaprakasam

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