
Introducing StandbyMP v11.4

Written by Tim Marshall | Aug 1, 2023 1:29:38 AM

DBAs prefer using a CLI (Command-Line Interface) over a GUI (Graphical User Interface). That's why StandbyMP 11.4 introduces several new CLI features to enhance usability and streamline operations:
StandbyMP V11.4 New CLI Features

   Automated Standby Update (Log Shipping) Control

A new CLI function has been added to the Dbvagentmanager utility, allowing in-depth management of log shipping schedules without having to access the GUI. This enhanced CLI functionality is an improvement on the familiar "daemon start/stop" commands from v10. Turn log shipping on/off, adjust settings, and check log shipping status, including redundancy, in case the Control Center is offline. Refer to our support documentation on Auto Update Using CLI for detailed instructions. 

   StandbyMP Repository Repair

Disk corruption is a relatively rare issue, but it can be a huge headache when it does happen. If this problem were to affect StandbyMP’s own repositories, the product now offers a helping hand via the new "reset-repo" CLI utility. Now, Dbvisit sqlite repositories can be repaired or reset without the need to reinstall the entire product. This action only takes a few seconds to perform, ensuring less disruption to your environment and saving you valuable time. To learn more about this feature, consult the Reset Repository.

   GUI Administration Password Reset

Misplaced or forgotten GUI admin passwords will no longer be a stumbling block. Conveniently reset the GUI administrator password directly from the command line, as long as access to the Control Center host is available. For more details, refer to Reset admin password from CLI - Dbvisit Standby MP User Guide.

   New Task Deletion Functionality 
StandbyMP 11.4 introduces a new feature to Task Management, adding the ability to individually delete any user-initiated task. Whether the task is active or completed, it can now be removed from the Task Timeline. Deleting an active task will force-stop it on the relevant system(s), allowing you to free up the Configuration if a Task ever gets “stuck”. 


  Log File Threshold Events Communication via Email
We understand the importance of real-time updates when it comes to monitoring your Oracle database. In StandbyMP 11.4, we have enhanced the alerting system by forwarding log file threshold events (such as "transfer log gap exceeded") to any specified email addresses for the Configuration and displaying them on the Dashboard. This ensures that critical alerts do not go unnoticed.

   One-Click Custom User Scripts
Released in v11.3, one-click custom scripts allow you to select custom user scripts for custom actions during switchovers and activations. See more in our Technical Documentation.

 Key features of StandbyMP include: 

  • Unique MultiPlatform architecture enables Oracle and SQL Server Disaster Recovery from one application.
  • Highly intuitive GUI, where all DR configurations can be viewed and managed from a single dashboard.
  • Intelligent Activate for Oracle allows failover to specific “safe” activation points in a database’s history (when using a Standby Log Application Delay).
  • Multi-database actions, even across database platforms.
  • Real-time, distributed, event-driven communication.
  • Greater scalability with the ability to manage hundreds of database hosts and DR configurations. 
  • Support for Oracle SE2HA (Standard Edition2 High Availability) from StandbyMP v11.1+.
  • Multiple standby databases for SQL Server are supported from StandbyMP v11.1+. 

Empower your Oracle database management with StandbyMP 11.4! 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how Dbvisit StandbyMP could fit within your organizational needs, contact us, and one of our technical specialists will reach out to you.