
How to configure AMM on Standby

Written by Product Specialist | Jun 17, 2019 3:00:00 AM

We have often seen customers running Dbvisit Standby wondering how to manage the archivelogs that have been applied to the standby database. The archivelogs are transferred from the primary database to the standby and applied there using the Dbvisit daemon services.

There are two aspects of AMM we should be aware of, ARCHSOURCE_MANAGEMENT and ARCHDEST_MANAGEMENT.

If you have your primary database archivelogs being backed up and managed using your company’s database backup/deletion policy, we recommend you make sure the archivelogs are retained in the primary until transferred to the standby.

The archsource management comes into consideration when you want Dbvisit to handle the deletion of the database archivelogs from the fast recovery area or log archive destination locations. We can also avoid archivelogs being deleted before they are sent to the standby by enabling the below parameter:




The above parameters would help in retaining the archivelogs for a period of time. The backup count parameter will ensure that the archivelogs are deleted only after being backed up by the primary database. If you don’t want Dbvisit to handle the archivelogs in the primary at all you could just disable the parameter ARCHSOURCE_MANAGEMENT in the DDC.

When it comes to maintaining the archivelogs in your standby database, we don’t have to retain them for long. Once the archivelogs have been applied there’s no use having them in your standby. By enabling the ARCHDEST_MANAGEMENT parameters Dbvisit Standby can handle these and delete them.

The below parameters can be set to delete the archivelogs:



Dbvisit does not delete archivelogs which have not been applied yet unless you enable DELETE_ARCHDEST_THRESHOLD DELETE_ARCHSOURCE_THRESHOLD parameters.

We can also monitor the archivelog location’s space threshold by enabling:




For more information, please watch the video below by Shalini Anbu, our Product Specialist, explaining how to manage these archivelogs using AMM (Archivelog Management Module). We hope you enjoy this video!