
How to install Standby v9 on Linux

Written by Vijayganesh Sivaprakasam | Jan 3, 2020 2:15:00 AM

Installing Standby™️ v9 on Linux

With Standby™️ version 9 well in production since the end of May this year, we have started a blog series where we’ll cover all the important topics when installing, configuring, and maintaining Standby™️.

Each blog will have information on the topic being discussed with steps, followed by a “how-to” video demonstrating the actual steps. We hope this approach will make it easy and simple to grasp. The goal is to aid in the training of the product from start to finish for all our partners, customers, and new prospects. All the information is available in our User Guide. You can still download the 10-day free software trial.

In this video blog, I will take you through the steps required to install Standby™️ v9 on Linux, to show you just how easy it is.


As usual, there are a number of important pre-requisites which need to be met before one can attempt to install Standby™️ v9 on Linux:

1. Ensure the system requirements are met for Standby™️ v9

2. Ensure to check and verify the support matrix requirements of Supported Oracle Database and Operating System combinations for Standby™️ v9.

3. It is very important to meet the installation pre-requirements

4. Please pay close attention to the network connectivity requirements as it describes the port requirements between the components on the different hosts.

As is the case with older versions, always install the latest version of Standby™️ v9 which can be downloaded from our website.

Once all the pre-requisites are met, we are in a position to Install the Standby Core components on Linux (dbvnet, dbvagent and the Standby Core) on each database host – Primary and Standby.

The high-level steps to Install the Standby™️ Core Components are:

1. Create a Dbvisit Base directory
2. Download the software
3. Extract the Software
4. Start the Installer
5. Provide the information when prompted
6. Start the Standby Core component processes

After that, we can Install the Standby™️ Central Console (GUI) or dbvserver.

In our environment, we are installing the GUI on the Standby Host. It is recommended to install the GUI on its own server running OEL6 or OEL7.

The high-level steps to Install the Dbvisit Central Console are:

1. Start the Installer
2. Provide the information when prompted
3. Start the Dbvserver process

In this video, I’m demonstrating how to Install Standby™️ v9 on Linux in the following sequence:

1. Install Standby Core on the Primary Host – dbvlab01
2. Install Standby Core on the Standby Host - dbvlab03
3. Install Dbvserver/Central Console on the Standby Host – dbvlab03
4. Start the components on each host – dbvlab01 & dbvlab03

I hope the video compliments the information on how to install Standby™️ v9 on Linux and makes it simple to follow, ultimately saving time and effort. Stay tuned for our next video blog.